Monday, May 13, 2013

Sometimes bad is good, and 30 days of meditation challenge.

Hey there, friends!!

Yes, it has been a while and a lot has happened in the last year. I was going to say that it was about 90% good things, and 10% not so good. I am changing that statement though, I will say that it is all good because I truly believe that everything "bad" that happens is just making way for something even better. That is so cliche, right? "When one door closes another one opens", "Everything happens for a reason", "What is meant to be will be".... such BS, right?? When you're in the midst of a tough transition, these cliche statements are the last thing you want to hear. Staying positive is the most difficult thing when you're in the delicate phase of transitioning in life.  This is where I was when I left my job last month. I felt hopeless, afraid, and of course my ego was majorly bruised.

Since that day, which I am choosing not to relive over and over for the sake of my own sanity and well-being, I think I have come around and am getting a little perspective on myself, my desires and all of the possibilities that are available to me now! I am still a little scared, but fear turns into excitement with each passing day. That's the thing, I am FREE! Sure, I am a little broke too, but now is my time to explore my world and decide what I want for my life. That's a big opportunity, the opportunity for re-invention. So, I have a gift right now, and I think I deserve it, damn it!! I just try to remember that this isn't the first time I have had to deal with a less than ideal situation, and it probably won't be the last. I have watched several people go from nothing to something amazing, I have also watched many people be bogged down and suffering due to their circumstances, and the one and only thing that kept those people down is their attitude and disbelief in themselves.  Luckily I have an awesome support system, good friends and family, an affectionate cat,  and a great boyfriend who both deals so well with my occasional melt downs and makes me laugh all the time. Oh, and let's not forget the love that I have for the 2 dogs and an amazing toddler who were all strangers to me last year. Life has a way of putting the joy in your life before it hits you with a change, I will be just fine! (I am also accepting referrals for jobs;);))

When I was looking for ways to bring myself back to my old happy place, I remembered how much I had benefited from meditation in the past. The problem for me is that I have what I call "squirrel brain". If you've ever seen the movie "UP", then you know where it comes from. I am very easily distracted.  The problem I have had with most guided meditation audio is that I can't really hone in on my breathing enought to get to the Alpha level. I am always way more conscious than a person meditating should be. I'll hear a noise in the distance, or I get an itch on my leg and have to start over from the beginning. Before I know it I am either too irritated with myself for not getting it right, or the audio or session is coming to an end and I am still adjusting my clothes or thinking about the fact that my foot is falling asleep. When meditation stresses you out, it's obviously time to stop.

Than came OmHarmonics. ( This system uses binuaral beats to help your brain get to it's alpha level much easier and faster than anything else I have tried, and trust me I have tried many! This is from their website: "Binaural beats are specifically engineered sounds that have alternating frequencies and tones that are proven to have an affect on brain wave patterns." They claim that the affects on the brain can produce many health benefits  including pain control, lower anxiety, and ease you into a deep state of relaxation quickly. I am not a Mind Valley sales person, and I am not getting paid for this, so I will leave it up to you do read more about it on the website and download the sample audio if you choose. My opinion is that this is revolutionary for people like me who have trouble even getting to a deeper lever of consciousness. I am only on day 3 and I definitely notice a difference. I believe it's even given me fuel for my blogging and facebook page! 

Here's the thing, I always need 30 days of anything to know if it's for me. So begins the 30 day meditation challenge. I will meditate every day using this program for 30 days and report back to you all. There are short and long meditations, 15 or 30 minutes, and 5 different programs including focus, spark, balance, awaken and deep rest. I will do the 15 minute quick ones first then try the 30 minute sessions. Stay tuned....

 I have a few more topics up my sleeve to write about, but I am going to save those for later. So, that's it for now, kids!!!

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