Sunday, May 20, 2012

The Oral Surgeon Stole My Brain

Hey guys! So, here we are, my first post on Halfway To Zen!
Last week I had all of these great thoughts rolling through my head faster than I could keep up with them. That was when I decided that I needed to get this blog thing going ASAP.  I had my wisdom teeth yanked out and an impacted canine tooth exposed at the oral surgeon on Thursday morning (Dr. Markoff rocks). All-in-all, the procedure was a big success, no major problems. My dad was nice enough to help me out for the first couple days (thanks dad!), and for the last couple I have been at home, vegging. Here is what I have realized: all of those thoughts that I love to produce and spew out onto Facebook and into my journal have disintegrated into thin air. I am convinced that Dr. Markoff took a small part of my brain (the one I use to produce any creative thought) and tossed it into the medical waste bucket!

Today I started to think again (yay!) and realized that the mind/ body/spirit connection really is important and screwing with any one aspect of it can totally set you off balance. I haven't exercised since Tuesday, and am not allowed to do anything more than walking until this Thursday. I also have been set off from normal eating, and forget about spiritual growth when I am barely able to form thoughts outside of which episode of SVU to watch next. I am really looking forward to getting back to MY normal and feeling all balanced again! Tomorrow I have my third photography class and I return to work, wish me luck.

This brings me to the title of my new blog, "Halfway To Zen". I came up with the name when I realized that even when on a spiritual/ life improving journey, while thinking we have it all together, we are always only halfway there. It is a never ending, but amazing process! People will piss you off, circumstances will set you off track, and things will get out of control sometimes. The phrase is sort of a reminder to be patient with yourself, and laugh at the bullshit along the way. I plan to bring you lots of insight from interesting people, recipes, exercise, spiritual articles and most importantly, lots of fun mixed in. Stick with me, kids...

1 comment:

  1. I love the changes you've made. I was happily surprised to look at this blog. Very interesting too.
